Concussion management & return to sport
Here's how we can bring balance back to your life
If you have suffered head or neck trauma it is sensible to seek advice
In-Balance is very excited to be the first clinic in Tasmania to be registered with Complete Concussion Management Inc.™ (CCMI). Linda and Scott join a network of clinics around the world offering evidence-based concussion care. As such they are able to assess acute concussion (including screening for more serious injury), provide guidance regarding safe return to everyday activities, school, work and sport along with providing rehabilitation for recovery from post-concussion symptoms.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury caused by acceleration or deceleration of the brain within the skull following a significant impact to the head or elsewhere on the body. The impact causes a biochemical imbalance within the brain cells, resulting in decreased blood flow and temporary energy deficits within the brain. Symptoms may include loss of consciousness, headache, pressure in the head, neck pain, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, or balance problems, among others.How Complete Concussion Management Works
Through collaboration between trained healthcare practitioners, educated coaches and trainers, as well as informed parents and athletes, the Complete Concussion Management system educates and empowers all those involved in sport to recognise concussions and take the necessary steps to help an athlete safely return to sport.
Concussion Treatment - what can a trained Physiotherapist do?
Recovery from concussion can be assisted by good information regarding your concussion and undertaking the right amount of physical and mental activity. We can assess and guide you in this.
Factors which contribute to persistent concussion symptoms include ongoing alterations to brain chemistry/physiology, neck problems and vestibular (inner ear balance) problems. Appropriate rehabilitation is shown to significantly improve recovery rates.
Recent research found 73% of post-concussion sufferers recovered in 8 weeks with combined neck and vestibular rehabilitation compared with 7% of those who were just progressed as symptoms improved.Concussion Tracker Smartphone Application
Patients can view baseline test results, find recognised CCMI clinics, learn recovery tips and receive prescribed rehab exercises through the free Concussion Tracker App. Coaches, trainers and teachers can administer an assessment of a suspected concussion, report the injury into a CCMI clinic, and track patient recovery. The app supports safe return to learn, work and play by allowing for seamless communication between sports teams, schools, parents and healthcare practitioners.
For more information check out Linda’s blog on our website “How can Physiotherapy help people with concussion?” or call us on 63344766 and ask to make an appointment with Linda or Scott.Want to make a booking?
Book below with Scott or Linda
TELEPHONE (03) 6334 4766.